Lowe, Britain in the Far East.
Lowe, Britain in the Far East.
England. – Naher Osten. Lowe, Peter. Britain in the Far East. A Survey from 1819 to the Present. 1st Edition. London, New York, Longman, 1981. 21,5x13,5 cm. 4 Bll., 265 S. Paperback in good to very good condition. Inside in mint condition. Written name on book end paper. In this book Peter Lowe examines Britain’s role in the Far East from the early 19th century to the present day. It is the first to look at the political, strategic, diplomatic and economic developments within the region in a single general survey. It deals with East and South East Asia, and concentrates primarily on Britain’s relations with China and Japan, and to a lesser extent with Burma and Malaya. (flap text)
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