Anrick, Göteborg.
Anrick, Göteborg.
Göteborg. – Anrick, Carl-Julius; Lindhagen, Arthur; Stenberger; Marten. (Redigeret) Göteborg. En bok om Göteborg. 1. – 145. Tausend. Stockholm, Svenska Turist-Föreningen, 1931. 18x11 cm. 191 p., often folded map. Blue cloth with small gilt coat of arms on front cover. Slightly bronzy. Front cover easiyl bend up. Inside with the front cover in board. Inside very clean condition. Sverigeböckerna 2. With a big, often folded, coloured map: Göteborg för Svenska Turistföreningen utarbetad av A.-B. kartografiska Institutet.
Unser Preis: EUR 28,-- |