Green, Law and Society.

Green, Law and Society.

Green, L. C. Law and Society. 1. Auflage Leyden, Dobbs Ferry N.Y., A. W. Sijthoff, Oceana Publications, Inc., 1975. 23x15 cm. XVIII, 502 Seiten Hardcover. Red cloth with gilt and white title and illustrations. Not jacket. Good condition. Smal Library label on front cover. – Hardcover, Leineneinband, mit den üblichen Bibliotheks-Markierungen, Stempeln und Einträgen, innen wie außen, siehe Bilder.
Inside with the usual library stamps and inscriptions, partially crossed out. Otherwise very clean. Type-script printing. – Innen mit den üblichen Bibliotheksstempeln und -eintragungen auf den ersten Seiten (teils durchgestrichen). Sonst sehr sauber.

- Law and Morality in a Changing Society. – Native Law and the Common Law: Conflict or Harmony. – „Civilized“ Law and „Primitive“ Peoples. – Is the International Law Law? – The Impact of the New States on International Law. – The Individual in International Law. – Human Rights and the General Principles of Law. – The Right of Asylum in International Law. – Hijacking, Extradition and Asylum. – Aftermath of Vietnam: War Law and the Soldier. – Sterilization, Marriages and the Law.

Unser Preis: EUR 38,-- 
