Eggleton, Transactions of the American Microscopical Society.

Eggleton, Transactions of the American Microscopical Society.

Microscopy. – Periodical. Eggleton, Frank E. (Editor) Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. Vol. 67., 1948. 1st printing. Volume LXVII, complete year 1948. Menasha, Wisconsin, The Collegiate Press, George Banta Publ. Company, 1948. 23x16 cm. 392 p. Hardcover. Half library cloth with gilt title on spine. Good condition. Inside with 2 small library stamps, otherwise very clean.

With many illustrations in the text and full-page. Contents (small choice):
- The Parthenogenic Reproductive Cycle of the Cladoceran, Leptodora kindtii, by T. F. Andrews.
- Sontaneous Change of Form of Young Pelmatohydra oligactis by R. H. Reis.
- Studies of most dwelling Bdelloids (Rotifera) of Eastern Massachusetts by A. Burger.
- Regeneration of the Carpus and Tarsus of Salamanders by W. A. Hilton.
- The Use of Dioxane in Insect Microtechnique by J. B. Kitzmiller.
- Pathological Changes in the Kidney of Mink due to Infection with Dioctophma renale (Goeze, 1782) the Giant Kidney Worm of Mammals by C. W. McNeil.
- Two new species of Alona from the Pearl River, Canton, China, by R. w. Kiser.
- Cytological Observations on the Oögenesis of Certain Indian Lizards. II. Structure and Funcktion of the Yolk Nucleus in Lacertilian Eggs by A. S. Srivastava.

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